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Combo Aabacus Senior Level Three + Level Four ( Set of 6 books)

ABACUS, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool which was used before the numeral system was discovered. It provides countable beads for children to visualize numbers. Children manipulate those beads to perform Arithmetic calculations mentally.The calculations will be of great speed in this way. The program develops the integrated and motoring functions from both sides of the brain. When children manipulates the beads of the abacus, communication between the hands and the brain stimulates the right and left hemisphere of the brain. The right side – the abstract side creates an image memory of the beads on the abacus while the left side the logical side applies the requisite rules to perform the calculations. When both sides of the brain are  activated it ignites cognitive firestorm in students providing better focus and concentration coupled with creativity and memory.

Children from age 4 to 15 years are eligible to learn ABACUS. They need not to use calculator or computer to learn Abacus. Abacus is the best way for all children to learn how to calculate without using a calculator, pencil and papers.Senior Abacus is for the age group 7 – 14 years and has eight levels. 

In  Abacus Senior Level Three & Level Four Program - Children will learn -                                                                   (a) Start visualisation
(b) Practice with increased columns & rows                                                                                                                              (c) Addition with friends visualisation
(d) Subtraction with friends visualisation

(a) Addition with 3 column and 4 rows                                                                                                                                        (b) Subtraction with 3 column and 4 rows 
(c)  Addition & Subtraction Combination visualisation                                                                                                                (d) Multiplication starts                                                                                                                                                                  (e) Basic of Division

Category : Books

Level : Level Three + Level Four

Price : Rs. 960

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